

在你驾驶你的车辆在冬季条件采取一些活动,以帮助确保安全到达,无论是工作, 学校的活动, 或者去看望家人.

  • Prepare your vehicle for the winter weather: 
  • 充电!  一定要有好的电池.  During very cold weather your battery loses some of its potential energy.  You may need to slow charge your battery to keep it in good condition.  Click on the link for more information on charging vehicle batteries:  http://batteriesbyfisher.com/determining-charge-time.
  •  在您的车辆中放置跨接电缆.
  • Check your anti-freeze temperature range.  You can do this at home or at your mechanics shop.  Consider your winter temperatures and make sure your antifreeze mixture is appropriate.
  • 轮胎.  Check for a spare tire and for the equipment needed for it.  Check to ensure your tires have enough tread to get you through the winter weather.  Click on this link for simple ways to assess your tires: 


  • 天气检查. Check to see if the predicted weather during your travel time will be safe.  如果不安全,呆在家里或改变你的旅行时间,以避免不安全的旅行条件.
  • 看清楚.  好的雨刷器对清洁挡风玻璃很重要,这样你就能透过雨雪看清东西.  有一个坚固的冰雪铲吗.  Clear all windows of snow and ice so you can see.  Make sure all your vehicle lights and blinkers work properly.  Fill the washer fluid reservoir with winter grade fluid (so it doesn’t freeze up).  如果你在暴风雪中开车,看不到道路,考虑开着危险灯离开道路,直到你能看得足够清楚,可以安全驾驶.
  • While you are outside clearing the ice and snow, warm up your vehicle with the “defrost” on.  If your car has a separate A/C button, turn it on when defrosting; even with the temperature set to hot, the air conditioner dehumidifies the air which speeds defogging


Suggestions for items to place in your vehicle for winter travel include the following:

  1. 拖链
  2. 带额外电池的闪光灯.
  3. 反射三角形或闪光.
  4. A bag of sand, salt, or kitty litter (to help provide traction or melt snow).
  5. Cold weather clothing (coats, hats, mittens, and socks) and blankets.
  6. Non-perishable food such as trail mix, nuts, dried fruits, and even candy.
  7. If you travel during bad weather consider taking your daily medication with you.